Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Healthy Living Tips

Healthy Living Tips
In fact quite a lot of ways to get healthy life. Tips below will reveal our habits every day that a lot of benefits for health. Hopefully useful!

* The consumption of so-so for the health of hair and nails. Jelly or-so much so that the material that makes nails and hair become healthy, and also good for digestion.

* Stand up straight with the position that will create a better body. Mild exercise can be done with the position of the back straight and into the stomach.

* Masker for oily skin can use pieces of cucumber and place the front cover, and leave 10 minutes. The habit is alleged to be able to reduce the oil content in the skin of the face.

* Pasta teeth can make? Nails white. Toothpaste that does not only make the teeth white, but also our nails. Gosokkan nails with toothpaste containing bleach, then water rendam in the discount given the lemon. Nails that have been cut rapih definitely seen more shining white.

How short hair shine. Before finished bathing, hair siram? With cold water. In addition to fresh, if the habit is often carried out will make the hair natural shine.

How to use a moisturizer that does not make wrinkles always shine with moisturizer to the skin on your face. If? Menggosoknya to the bottom of the face will make the skin more quickly face wrinkles.

* Biasakan make small sport every day, even though only 10 minutes. Blood flow will be smooth and sports will also make the body more healthy and fresh throughout the day. Do not forget to frequently mengonsumsi? White water.

Tips for Healthy Living Rita term Hypertension

Blood pressure in the body of our energy is required for blood to the whole body. If someone had said, then hypertension sistolik pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and diastolic pressure ≥ 90 mmHg. High blood pressure or hypertension is known, is one of the biggest health problems. High blood pressure is influenced by several factors, including factors: diet, exercise and rest. Hypertension can cause if ignored and vulnerable to complications such as kidney disease, heart disease and stroke Koroner.

Here are some tips for a healthy life of hypertension and kidney complications in order to avoid complications, it is:

1. Sample Menu
• Less weight for overloading
• Limit salt and sodium-Feed Food / sodium
• Perbanyak consumption of food with high potassium, Calsium, magnesium, omega-3-fatty acids, fiber and vitamin C.
• Avoid smoking
• Less fat and kolestrol
• Reduce the consumption of alcohol, soft drinks and caffeine.
• Conduct daily fluctuations of the fine - Day

2. Sports
The sport has so regularly and measure the body in shape, because the bloodstream smoothly. It is advisable to your doctor to find out the nature of the exercise.

3. Rest
The time, the routine to tensions between the busy hour. Relaxation can be collected fellow office colleagues, neighbors, family or just at home with the bread. The routine and often this is done, the good life balance. Sleep is a form of relaxation alone. Stamina is played quickly and the balance of hormones in the body will soon be reached. The result, control of blood pressure is.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

tip healthy fasting

tip healthy fasting

1. Do not Leave SahurSahur is one of a series of prayer and fasting in Ramadan, which is recommended, in a Harest mentioned that "The Messenger of Allah said:" Sahurlah you, because in it there do a great blessing. "Why do important for us that the fast run, the run the fast our bodies do not get the nutrition Feed for about 14 hours. For the body so that it can perform the function properly, cells need energy and nutrients in enough. To select the menu should do fibrous food and berprotein high, but avoid too many consume foods that sweet, sweet.

Many eat sweet foods do the will make you hungry faster in the afternoon. Sweet foods make the body react quickly release insulin, insulin function include sugar from the blood into cells and used as energy sources. While eating fibrous food to make the process slower digestion and help insulin issued gradually. To make energy do durable, bersahurlah more time near the end of imsak.

2. Do not Defer daily BerbukaSetelah keep hunger and thirst, of course we terkuras energy, to restore the energy back, when the breeder eat simple carbohydrates found in sweet foods. Foods that contain sugar to restore the instant energy that we terkuras day. But try to avoid drinking ice or bersoda that, because this type of beverage can not make digestive function as normal.

3. Eat In BertahapBiasanya hear so bedug west, without waiting longer we directly call out the meal provided over the table. This pattern is not good for health, the day after we filled the stomach and organs digested rest, you should not eat the meal directly in large numbers. When the time arrived breeder eat sweet foods, such as compote, or drinking hot tea, istirahatkan moment, you can use the gap to the west while praying to give time we adjust digested organs. Just after the prayer you can continue eating foods that go back more weight, such as rice and side dish-pauknya. And after the Tarawih resumes session with a small meal or snack.

4. Do not Leave OlahragaMenjalankan fasting means not stop the total sport. Thus physical activity still needed to maintain the smooth circulation of blood that is not easy loyo. However, to select the affairs of this sport that do not require light energy excess, such as shin-shin or foot. Should do the time before the sport breeder. Tarawih prayer, other than as a means of maintaining fitness
physical as tarawih prayer in the same burn calories.

5. Self-consumption is AirAir substances that the body is needed. More than 60% of our body consists of water. To function well with each organ of our body needs water. Without adequate water body will experience interference. For the perbanyak drinking water for savings in the body so that all organs function properly. Called the water here is not only water, milk and tea, but also included in it. So that the body needs tercukupi, Arrange for you to drink eight glasses of water before the fast tomorrow.

6. Control EmosiRasulallah said that fasting is not only the arrest of hunger and thirst but also keep appetite. In other words, the purpose of fasting is a me-manage emotions, learning patience and try to build God. In this psychological affect our mental, spiritual, emotional mengendalian to make our lives
grow more healthy, and a sense of closeness with God to make our hearts peace.


Monday, September 22, 2008

tips well to fast

tips well to fast

tips well to fast potential fasting for salubrious but possible on the contrary, bo advantage absolutely except hungry and thirsty. there are some tips good run to achieve aim wells.
1. don't leave sahur
sahur be one of [the] series in fasting religious service. although not obligatory but sahur has important function because gives asupan nutrient and energy savings for activities moment fast. to get well-being benefit, menu sahur best fibrous food and berprotein tall but koid sweet food consumption. fibrous food makes slower ingestion, while sweet food quicker so that makes hungry quicker day time. sahur approach imsak better because make energy sahur more durable.

2. remove with true pattern
don't delay to breaking the fast when it is time to. matter most need at the (time) of remove restore energy/energy. for that eat simple carbohydrate source found in sweet food, syrup and easy others is digested. after sholat and take a rest a moment, can be continued with eat staple food like rice and spices but in portions. snack or light drink can be continued after tarawih in little portions.

3. permanent beraktifitas as usual
fast meaningless decrease activities or work. in first few days really there setting and body adaptation especially in people who seldom fast or sport. heavy activities/sport really forbidden but has light jusrtu suggested. light sport likes by foot, gymnastics, canter, very suggested especially approach breaking the fast. tarawih also be activities that can watch over fitness.

4. water consumption augmentings
body more susceptible towards water deficit membanding deficit eats so that amount of water required must enough with portions increase imbibes water, belong milk, syrup,
fruits and food berkuah. tea and coffee is avoided at the (time) of sahur.

5. control emotion
fasting includes efforts holds back desire. calm heart because desire undercontrol will demote energy consumption or rapid metabolism so that save energy use.

7 tips well to drink coffee

7 tips well to drink coffee

agi, best friend ngeblog at morning coffee. in hypertension sufferer (high blood pressure -red) often i ask about about their habit drinks coffee. not matter that surprise if practically they are average drinks 5 cups of coffee a day! then i am even also imply them to leave habit drinks coffee, while has tall taste cloth and menggemari in all the world. lost? well, before joint forces with group one who may not drink coffee and only can gulp saliva see another person mengecup the this sweet black, it is better we know “7 tips well to drink kopi” next:
1. dose
really there is no definitive size for coffee dose may mengonsumsi person. but majority watchfulness unfolds that drink 300 mg caffeine (around 1 until 3 cups of coffee a day) doesn't give effect negative in majority person wells.
2. alarm signal
when take a draught coffee really asa taste, yet it is often time is followed with one million feel guilty. recognize coffee alarm signal so that we know to when must stop to drink coffee. that alarm signal is among others: restless, heart flutters, disturbance sleeps and disturbance mood (mis: angry fast). a coffee drunkard that stop habit drinks the coffee can experience “caffeine withdrawal” marked by headache throb, but this phenomenon will lost after 24-48 clock or get caffeine new dose.
3. listen to body response
has limitation self hit consumption caffeine. majority person can consuming 2 cups of coffee a day without problem. but there also that experience obsolence effect with coffee consumption total same. there that tell after drink secangkir coffee is not can sleep along evening, on the contrary there that asleep well-sleep after drink coffee. so, best manner listens to body response self!
4. recognize pregnancy caffeine
after detect dose and body response, it is better we detect pregnancy caffeine in products often we are consumption. so that don't until coffee dose that suggested reached, but we still to consuming products other that contain caffeine so that feel coffee bad effect. several products other necessary payed pregnancy caffeine like for example: softdrink, coffee candy, tea, brown, headache medicine.
processing manner (roasting and brewing) also influential towards pregnancy caffeine in coffee. for example, a watchfulness shows, secangkir coffee at starbucks contain average 259 mg caffeine compared with coffee with kind and cup size same at dunkin donuts only contain 149 mg caffeine.
from watchfulness other, coffee decaf (coffee without caffeine) good to they are that experience obesitas because can increase hdl (cholesterol “baik”) around 50%. while in them can not experience obesitas exactly can demote cholesterol hdl this that can increase heart sickness risk.
5. coffee mix
five calcium milligrammes losts to every 6 ounce coffee mengonsumsi. but lose this calcium can be overcome with add 2 milk spoons or make espresso latte. while coffee mixture with unfavourable alcohol especially in person with heart disturbance and coffee mixture with cream also best avoided to decrease superlative calorie. caffeine also interacted with a few medicine kind. for that is consuminging medicine, best consultation to doctor.
a lot of opinion coffee best friend cigarette. eits, don't be wrong. a true coffee drunkard doesn't smoke! cigarette can decrease the taste ngopi lho…
6. group anti-kopi
group next suggested to avoid coffee: pregnant woman, children, parents, person with heart sickness and blood vessel (mis: hypertension). well, if belong this group, forget coffee!
7. check up
do investigation periodically towards well-being, in this case blood pressure size. more early hypertension is known, more good to penatalaksanaan furthermore. jnc vii clasify hypertension as follows

influenza and vitamin c

influenza and vitamin c

enter transition period season oftentimes happen weather change very extreme. morning the sun shines very clear, so that air day asa very hot and make us felt sultry, but at sky evening turns into to appear cloudy and rain even also go down the quickly.

weather change suddenly can make our body stamina decreased and mennjadi very susceptible towards disease. if stamina tubuhkita decreased, virus that causes cough disease, cold, and stomachache will like diarrhea easy will approach and open fire us.

usually in a condition such, antibiotic is mainstay to overcome diseases disturbance. while actually our body has invulnerability system mechanism that are used to menangkal factor or substance that come from outside money body can endanger our well-being.

because has dinamic, and virus can bermutasi, so we must has life style that well untu can brace our body defense. even less in this time many spring up new diseases dangerous, like bird influenza virus.

influenza is disease at result from virus infection, so that menyebab- kan inflamation in in our respiration system. during the time, vitamin c bot merely known as primadona vitamin, but many people use it as influenza preventives and cure canker.

based on watchfulness dr. linus pauling known that vitamin c has kemampu-an to retard virus particle so that doesn't scattered to pass cell and body network, besides vitamin c also decrease kekampuan oxygen molecule until be free radical and then virus bucleus sour smash.

when can we see benefit that we obtain from vitamin, likely not wrong if we begin to attune self to fulfill need vitamin c in our body with life style will well and always mengkonsomsi fruit and vegetable many contain vitamin c, like jambu stone/jambu kelutuk, orange, apple, kapri, papaya leaf and other sebagi.

tips prevent influenza:
- accustom to wash hand with soap
- drink juicy, minimal 8 glass a day
- try to avoid another person that hitted influenza
- guard always body stamina with enough rest, eat nutritious food, regular sport and always fulfill vitamin need c.

Friday, August 22, 2008

merit and basil leaf use

merit and basil leaf use

basil (ocimum sanctum) really not plants foreign for us, because besides easy met at house yard, garden or arable land, sometimes quite a few found at road hem. till now, may be we only know that only used as lalapan fresh, added in fish dishes, chicken or used also as tradisional medicine
basil and plants of a kind it that is sweet basil or bacillus (ocimum basilicum) has history that interesting, plants this type of ever be kingdom plants at prancis and italian. flower from this plants is chosen to declare to love, while at this plants indians is one of [the] plants is sanctified that used for religious ceremonies.
at china country, this plants is used sebagi infection medicine, stomachache, snakebite, insect, medicine likes and as cancer medicine. many another countries also make use plants in sebagi medicine tradisioal, like greek, philippine, tanzania, mexico, and america bations and europe.
quit of verification scientifically, basil and sweet basil empirically used in tradisional therapy to assorted disease, either in indonesia and or bations other.
rich basil betakaroten and magnesium, important mineral that functioneds to watch over and take care heart well-being. basil leaf fragrant aroma really invite taste eats. natural if orangpun consuming this leaf as lalapan raw, mixture pepes, karedok or threatened. besides melezat dish, basil leaf contains compound arginine proved can to brace sperm life spans, prevent barrenness and demote blood sugar. also contain substance that can to stimulate bentuknya hormone androgen and estrogen.
basil benefit doesn't stop until here, substance flavonoid like orientin and vicenin in basil can to protect body cellular structure. while flavonoid like cineole, myrcene and eugenol has benefit as natural antibiotic and counter inflamation.
basil sap serve the purpose of canker medicine and earache. the leaf can mengonsumsi to reproduce asi, penenang, cure rheumatic and penurun hot. also can increase urine total, cause the loss of to catch a cold and peluruh phlegm. this plants leaf consumption also can overcome mouth smell problem and body odour. several the noodle group mobile compounds atsiri in plants has been known the merit, mengantaranya sineol, and anethol. sour aspartat, apigenin, arginin and boron in this plants also known the merit. compound sineol berkhasiat as penenang, help to overcome ejaculation of semen early, stimulate centre nerve activity and widen capillary blood vessel. anethol found in all parts of plants can stimulate hormone estrogen in woman, increase body invulnerability, and stimulate production asi. while apigenin has widen blood vessel, prevent blood coagulation, launch blood circulation with merelaksasi artless muscle
hereunder there are some recipe from basil as natural medicine:
- tea that made from sweet basil leaf or the herb is used to overcome sick, dysentery, or demote hot (as antipiretik). its use can in the form of juice, infus, powder. one tablespoon from dry plants menyeduh with half water cup, then drunk one cup every day during one month. can also be added honey if used to cure cough.
-panu, segengganm basil leaf washes, pound soft, give a little whitewash sirih. scrub this ingredients in skin berpanu. do 2x a day.
- canker, 50 sheets of basil leaf is washed clean, chew off during 2- 3 minutes, swallow. drink warm water. do 3x a day.
- breath smell, mouth smell, often eat lalapan basil leaf, turmeric leaf and beluntas.
- sweat smell, kamangi sufficient eaten as lalapan dine evening during 1 week.
- wart, wash out basil leaf, stroke/scrub in wart regularly.
and still many again use and another benefit. so this basil is besides as chutney completion kitchen flavor, also useful as natural medicine.
what consuming basil causes sour tendon?
normal blood tendon acid contents in man ranges from 5,1 - 1,0 mg/dl, while in woman between 4,0 - 1,0 mg/dl. if sour blood tendon exceeds turn, one can be said to suffer hiperurisemia or sour tall tendon, especially if exceed number 9 mg/dl
basil with various mobile compound in it, can to demote sour tendon. this plants ability in has demoted sour tendon has been canvassed at laboratory although only towards effort animal. but the effect in human is guessed not far differ. setyo purwono and mustofa in 1997 report, basil leaf water essence can demote white mouse tendon acid contents. watchfulness from watchfulness institution ugm this give basil leaf water essence with dose 51,36-205,44 g/kg heavy animal body. the result, after gift during 3-7 day, happen mouse blood tendon acid contents depreciation enough mean. based on effort, proved safe basil and can not increase sour society opinion untrue tendon during the time that basil can increase sour tendon, but best
really basil destiny in this time not yet as good as plants destiny of a kind it like bacillus or sweet basil besides many done testing farmakologi as nature medicine ingredient source, has also commercial value at perfume industrial.
even though doesn't close possibility to develop watchfulness tehadap this plants, good to maked use as nature medicine ingredient source or maked use oil atsiri for food aroma and drink, also perfume industrial. thereby, basil not only used for friend eats pecel lele or pepes fish.