Friday, August 22, 2008

merit and basil leaf use

merit and basil leaf use

basil (ocimum sanctum) really not plants foreign for us, because besides easy met at house yard, garden or arable land, sometimes quite a few found at road hem. till now, may be we only know that only used as lalapan fresh, added in fish dishes, chicken or used also as tradisional medicine
basil and plants of a kind it that is sweet basil or bacillus (ocimum basilicum) has history that interesting, plants this type of ever be kingdom plants at prancis and italian. flower from this plants is chosen to declare to love, while at this plants indians is one of [the] plants is sanctified that used for religious ceremonies.
at china country, this plants is used sebagi infection medicine, stomachache, snakebite, insect, medicine likes and as cancer medicine. many another countries also make use plants in sebagi medicine tradisioal, like greek, philippine, tanzania, mexico, and america bations and europe.
quit of verification scientifically, basil and sweet basil empirically used in tradisional therapy to assorted disease, either in indonesia and or bations other.
rich basil betakaroten and magnesium, important mineral that functioneds to watch over and take care heart well-being. basil leaf fragrant aroma really invite taste eats. natural if orangpun consuming this leaf as lalapan raw, mixture pepes, karedok or threatened. besides melezat dish, basil leaf contains compound arginine proved can to brace sperm life spans, prevent barrenness and demote blood sugar. also contain substance that can to stimulate bentuknya hormone androgen and estrogen.
basil benefit doesn't stop until here, substance flavonoid like orientin and vicenin in basil can to protect body cellular structure. while flavonoid like cineole, myrcene and eugenol has benefit as natural antibiotic and counter inflamation.
basil sap serve the purpose of canker medicine and earache. the leaf can mengonsumsi to reproduce asi, penenang, cure rheumatic and penurun hot. also can increase urine total, cause the loss of to catch a cold and peluruh phlegm. this plants leaf consumption also can overcome mouth smell problem and body odour. several the noodle group mobile compounds atsiri in plants has been known the merit, mengantaranya sineol, and anethol. sour aspartat, apigenin, arginin and boron in this plants also known the merit. compound sineol berkhasiat as penenang, help to overcome ejaculation of semen early, stimulate centre nerve activity and widen capillary blood vessel. anethol found in all parts of plants can stimulate hormone estrogen in woman, increase body invulnerability, and stimulate production asi. while apigenin has widen blood vessel, prevent blood coagulation, launch blood circulation with merelaksasi artless muscle
hereunder there are some recipe from basil as natural medicine:
- tea that made from sweet basil leaf or the herb is used to overcome sick, dysentery, or demote hot (as antipiretik). its use can in the form of juice, infus, powder. one tablespoon from dry plants menyeduh with half water cup, then drunk one cup every day during one month. can also be added honey if used to cure cough.
-panu, segengganm basil leaf washes, pound soft, give a little whitewash sirih. scrub this ingredients in skin berpanu. do 2x a day.
- canker, 50 sheets of basil leaf is washed clean, chew off during 2- 3 minutes, swallow. drink warm water. do 3x a day.
- breath smell, mouth smell, often eat lalapan basil leaf, turmeric leaf and beluntas.
- sweat smell, kamangi sufficient eaten as lalapan dine evening during 1 week.
- wart, wash out basil leaf, stroke/scrub in wart regularly.
and still many again use and another benefit. so this basil is besides as chutney completion kitchen flavor, also useful as natural medicine.
what consuming basil causes sour tendon?
normal blood tendon acid contents in man ranges from 5,1 - 1,0 mg/dl, while in woman between 4,0 - 1,0 mg/dl. if sour blood tendon exceeds turn, one can be said to suffer hiperurisemia or sour tall tendon, especially if exceed number 9 mg/dl
basil with various mobile compound in it, can to demote sour tendon. this plants ability in has demoted sour tendon has been canvassed at laboratory although only towards effort animal. but the effect in human is guessed not far differ. setyo purwono and mustofa in 1997 report, basil leaf water essence can demote white mouse tendon acid contents. watchfulness from watchfulness institution ugm this give basil leaf water essence with dose 51,36-205,44 g/kg heavy animal body. the result, after gift during 3-7 day, happen mouse blood tendon acid contents depreciation enough mean. based on effort, proved safe basil and can not increase sour society opinion untrue tendon during the time that basil can increase sour tendon, but best
really basil destiny in this time not yet as good as plants destiny of a kind it like bacillus or sweet basil besides many done testing farmakologi as nature medicine ingredient source, has also commercial value at perfume industrial.
even though doesn't close possibility to develop watchfulness tehadap this plants, good to maked use as nature medicine ingredient source or maked use oil atsiri for food aroma and drink, also perfume industrial. thereby, basil not only used for friend eats pecel lele or pepes fish.

kasiat orange lime

kasiat orange lime

lime distillation obvious good for calculus sufferer.
conclusion watchfulness essence mochammad sj ‘bani, kidney expert from university faculty of mediciness gadjah mada. yogyakarta, contained in book 90 tips well-being.
this watchfulness brainchild is berawal from experience a family that has calculus inclination. entire family members is hitted calculus except a the girl child. after canvassed obvious the diligent girl drinks lime. temporary guess, this lime depresses calculus sedimet formation.
meanwhile, in the world of medical, citrate potassium always given to calculus patient pasca operation. this compound elaborates substances, like sulphate, phosphate, and natrium potential form stone sedimet trigger fails kidney.
unfortunately, citrate potassium price reasonable expensive, and must be drunk four grains a day during several weeks. sja’bani then canvass lime possibility in the place of potassium sitart. by accident, round lime (citrus aurantifolia) contains citrate higher than oval lime, orange lemon, orange, or tangerine.
next, sj’bani, do clinical test towards 72 calculus patients pascaoperasi. respondent is divided two groups. second group only is given plasebo. before and after watchfulness, respondent kidney well-being condition then monitorred. half year then, sja’bani continue watchfulness during ten days, respondent is divided in two groups. first is given distillation drink two round lime that is thinned to be two glasses of orange juice, once after dinner. and second group is given plasebo.
the result, citrate potassium depresses various condition, that is degree increase ph and potassium depreciation calculus sedimet trigger. “hasil similar also happened in group that drink orange juice nipis. ” thereby, follow sja’bani, drink orange juice nipis everyday also good for they are calculus morbid inclination that.

kiwi - prevent cancer improve body stamina

kiwi - prevent cancer improve body stamina

scientific watchfulness proves if fruit kiwi (actinida deliciosa) has highest nutrient density is compared with 27 fruit kinds other. kiwi also useful to prevent cancer and increase body stamina.
who suspects, fruit as big as this chicken's egg has various benefit. its for oval, with green coloured fruit skin kecokelatan. entire skin surfaces is filled soft plume. green coloured kernel and contain many seeds. fruit taste kiwi sweet taste combination and sour. delicious and fresh eaten as fresh fruit, cultivated to be salad fruit, juice or smoothie. besides delicious, this fruit also keep various benefit, even fruit kiwi inaugurated as fruit with highest nutrition density.
solid nutrient
in this time prestige kiwi now more increase. because import fruit the benefit, kiwi easy met mempasaran. tall request fruit kiwi good sign, remember tall the benefit for well-being.
a watchfulness that done by dr. paul lachance, professor from university rutgers, united america. watchfulness paul demo, fruit kiwi has highest nutrient density is compared another fruit likes apple, orange, wine and mango. nutrition density manner that worn by butritionist to evaluate quality a foodstuff. the value nutrient value excelsior so food-stuff quality more gooder.
nutrition density table in fruit
fruit index/100 g
kiwi 16
papaya 14
blewah 13
lemon 11
mango 11
orange 11
red raisin 10
madarin orange 9
kocado 8
tangerine 8
lemon orange 7
apricot 7
juice stroberi 7
wine 7
melon 6
kesemek 5
pineapple 5
wine empress 4
plum 4
banana 3
peach 3
cherry 2
netrarine 2
water melon 2
pear 2
apple 2
source. nutrient pregnancy various food-stuff. 2004.
low fat rich fiber
follow prof. dr. ir. made astawan, besides solid nutrient, fruit kiwi also low fat and energy. very good mengonsumsi for one who is enduring to diet low calorie. insides 100 g fruit kiwi, only contain 61 kkal, less than 40% in comparison with banana. for you that is dieting low calorie, kiwi can give full taste longer. full taste will be evoked because in kiwi rich fiber (mengetary fiber) in character stodgy. so you can endure to diet without hungry taste torture.
kiwi also sour source amino arginin and glutamat. sour benefit amino arginin has vasodilator or peurun blood pressure all at once launch blood stream, good mengonsumsi for hypertension sufferer. if many consuming kiwi, the happening of plaque in also can reduced artery wall. nutrition pregnancy other doesn't lose
tall vitamin mineral
vitamin nutrition pregnancy esensial other in kiwi. this fruit very rich vitamin, like vitamin pregnancy c, e, b1, b2, b6 and vitamin a. vitamin c in kiwi 17 times more many compared with apple. while vitamin e in kiwi 2 fold times is compared fruit avokad.
follow prof made, vitamin c and e in kiwi can functioned as antoksidan natural. free radical can menangkal in body and body is candid from cancercous attack and penuaan early. cancercous happen to pass several stages, like initiation stage, promotion and progresi. in initiation stage (beginning stage) character antioksidan and substance antimutagenik in kiwi impersonate to prevent cause gene mutation bentuknya cancer cell. vitami c and e also useful to increase body invulnerability, help disease convalescence process and decrease stress.
besides vitamin, mineral character in kiwi very potential. principal mineral pregnancy in kiwi magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper and zinc. although need in number little, potassium plays to watch over and take care body well-being, like potassium, functioned to watch over work system nerve, reflex movement and muscle function. kiwi also contain juicy and electrolyte, fit at consumption for sportsman many lose water and when sweat electrolyte.
better eaten fresh
fruit texture kiwi soft and many aqueous. hence kiwi very easy broken, good physical damage also chemical. vitamin pregnancy and mineral very easy broken if hitted hot. like vitamin c, hence suggested to consuming fruit kiwi in a state of fresh. so that more menggugah taste, fruit kiwi can be cultivated to be various dish. like to cultivated to be mixture salad fruit, made to be contents pudding, contents pie, menjus also mixture ice cream.
if you excessive buy fruit kiwi raw, keep kiwi with banana or apple can help to ripen fruit kiwi. this caused because banana and apple take outside natural gas etilen that can help kiwi be natural ripe

Friday, August 15, 2008

why colostrum useful for body?

why colostrum useful for body?

in colostrum consist in more than 90 substance kinds. component – component in principle divided to be 2 class, that is invulnerability factor and growth factor. colostrum also contain vitamin, mineral, and sour amino complete with kompisisi balance correct. all this factors cooperates according to synergy to restore and watch over well-being.

immune factor colostrum
immune factor colostrum helps body opposes various “penyerbu” dangerous, like virus, bacteria, yeast, and mushroom. every has part specific in our body defense opposes “penyerbu – penyerbu” this. colostrum contain more than 20 antibodies specific to patogen – patogen e coli salmonella, rotavirus, candidda, streptococcus, staphylococcus, h pylori, and cryptosporidia.

in addition to immunoglobuli, medical study shows that prp in colostrum also support immune system less mobile. prp also poise immune system mobile overs do found on disease autoimun.

growth factor colostrum
growth factor helps growth and bone restoration, muscle, nerve network, liaison network, skin, and cartilage. factor – this factor also help to increase solid muscle, help body burns fat for fuel, and help wound convalescence. also help to delay phenomenon – phenomenon penuaan!

growth factor function colostrum

· mempegaruhi chemical control mood in brain to repairs mood we. (serotonin and dopamine)

· help regeneration and repair normal growth from aged muscle / muscle cidera, bone, cartilage, skin collagen, and nerve network.

· help to burn fat for fuel as penganti muscle network moment fasting (diet)s, and build with take care muscle density. (non diet)

· support blood sugar degree arrangement and “kimiawi otak”, increase vigilance and concentration better.

· increase skin well-being if often applied.

· repair dna and rna our body.

component – component other that
vitamin and mineral nutrition very esensial unutk metabolism and normal growth. they act as coenzyme that admit the happening of chemical process happens in all body. vitamin and irreplaceable mineral to watches over well-being.

sour – sour amino component – little component that composeds protein. they are wanted for growth. sour amino divided menajdi 2 parts, esensial (can not produced by body, must mengonsumsi from outside) and nonesensial (can produced by body).
written in well-being article.

ginkgo biloba: accelerate blood stream

ginkgo biloba: accelerate blood stream

ginkgo biloba many used since 2.800 sm in tradisional therapy china, as brain well-being medicine to prevent senile in old age. principal substance ginkgoflavono-glycoside that is contained ginkgo a antioksidan strong with brain network target to help brain work. in protect brain well-being, ginkgo accelerate blood stream to brain to repair nerve function (neuronal) and protect from dispute by neurotoksin. besides ginkgo can repair sumbatan blood stream that blood vessel stricture consequence. suplementasi ginkgo restore alzheimer (disease neurologist consequence penuaan), less asupan blood to brain (iskemia celebral) and repair consequence way of thinking function disturbance stress chronic. from the effect in repair blood stream to penis, ginkgo be first choice as medicine menyfungsi seksua in man (impotensia)

use: to help blood stream to brain, use capsule or tablet that contain standard extract ginkgo biloba (24% heterosida ginkgo) 40 mg thrice a day. to menyfungsi suggested dose sexual 60 mg a day.
written in well-being article.

body scrub: launch blood circulation

body scrub: launch blood circulation

although belong to still new at world west, scrub this body be tradition at mid-east bations during for centuries. use scrub when do you feel important to do cleaning exhaustively for blood circulation

scrub orange
scrub orange beraroma fresh and has texture rather coarse that can help to throw away skin cells die and merangsag paso blood. your skin is even also asa fresh and well. recipe hereunder last for five times treatments:

45 ml sunflower seed that refined
45 mlm porridge oat medium
45 ml coarse sea salt
45 ml peel that memparut
15 ml skin lemon memparut
3 oil drops essential grape fruit
closed glass bottle
almond oil

mix all ingredients up to merata and save in tightly closed glass cask. when ready for treatment, take 1/5 part scrub. afterwards, in a shallow cup, mix ingredient with almond oil until be a kind of pasta. open all clothes and stand in bath up. dab scrub a while ago in all body while massaged smoothly. give special attention in area dry skin and hard like to budge, knee and heel. clean leavings scrub before submerged or pour
written in well-being article, tips alive seha