Monday, September 22, 2008

7 tips well to drink coffee

7 tips well to drink coffee

agi, best friend ngeblog at morning coffee. in hypertension sufferer (high blood pressure -red) often i ask about about their habit drinks coffee. not matter that surprise if practically they are average drinks 5 cups of coffee a day! then i am even also imply them to leave habit drinks coffee, while has tall taste cloth and menggemari in all the world. lost? well, before joint forces with group one who may not drink coffee and only can gulp saliva see another person mengecup the this sweet black, it is better we know “7 tips well to drink kopi” next:
1. dose
really there is no definitive size for coffee dose may mengonsumsi person. but majority watchfulness unfolds that drink 300 mg caffeine (around 1 until 3 cups of coffee a day) doesn't give effect negative in majority person wells.
2. alarm signal
when take a draught coffee really asa taste, yet it is often time is followed with one million feel guilty. recognize coffee alarm signal so that we know to when must stop to drink coffee. that alarm signal is among others: restless, heart flutters, disturbance sleeps and disturbance mood (mis: angry fast). a coffee drunkard that stop habit drinks the coffee can experience “caffeine withdrawal” marked by headache throb, but this phenomenon will lost after 24-48 clock or get caffeine new dose.
3. listen to body response
has limitation self hit consumption caffeine. majority person can consuming 2 cups of coffee a day without problem. but there also that experience obsolence effect with coffee consumption total same. there that tell after drink secangkir coffee is not can sleep along evening, on the contrary there that asleep well-sleep after drink coffee. so, best manner listens to body response self!
4. recognize pregnancy caffeine
after detect dose and body response, it is better we detect pregnancy caffeine in products often we are consumption. so that don't until coffee dose that suggested reached, but we still to consuming products other that contain caffeine so that feel coffee bad effect. several products other necessary payed pregnancy caffeine like for example: softdrink, coffee candy, tea, brown, headache medicine.
processing manner (roasting and brewing) also influential towards pregnancy caffeine in coffee. for example, a watchfulness shows, secangkir coffee at starbucks contain average 259 mg caffeine compared with coffee with kind and cup size same at dunkin donuts only contain 149 mg caffeine.
from watchfulness other, coffee decaf (coffee without caffeine) good to they are that experience obesitas because can increase hdl (cholesterol “baik”) around 50%. while in them can not experience obesitas exactly can demote cholesterol hdl this that can increase heart sickness risk.
5. coffee mix
five calcium milligrammes losts to every 6 ounce coffee mengonsumsi. but lose this calcium can be overcome with add 2 milk spoons or make espresso latte. while coffee mixture with unfavourable alcohol especially in person with heart disturbance and coffee mixture with cream also best avoided to decrease superlative calorie. caffeine also interacted with a few medicine kind. for that is consuminging medicine, best consultation to doctor.
a lot of opinion coffee best friend cigarette. eits, don't be wrong. a true coffee drunkard doesn't smoke! cigarette can decrease the taste ngopi lho…
6. group anti-kopi
group next suggested to avoid coffee: pregnant woman, children, parents, person with heart sickness and blood vessel (mis: hypertension). well, if belong this group, forget coffee!
7. check up
do investigation periodically towards well-being, in this case blood pressure size. more early hypertension is known, more good to penatalaksanaan furthermore. jnc vii clasify hypertension as follows

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