Friday, August 15, 2008

body scrub: launch blood circulation

body scrub: launch blood circulation

although belong to still new at world west, scrub this body be tradition at mid-east bations during for centuries. use scrub when do you feel important to do cleaning exhaustively for blood circulation

scrub orange
scrub orange beraroma fresh and has texture rather coarse that can help to throw away skin cells die and merangsag paso blood. your skin is even also asa fresh and well. recipe hereunder last for five times treatments:

45 ml sunflower seed that refined
45 mlm porridge oat medium
45 ml coarse sea salt
45 ml peel that memparut
15 ml skin lemon memparut
3 oil drops essential grape fruit
closed glass bottle
almond oil

mix all ingredients up to merata and save in tightly closed glass cask. when ready for treatment, take 1/5 part scrub. afterwards, in a shallow cup, mix ingredient with almond oil until be a kind of pasta. open all clothes and stand in bath up. dab scrub a while ago in all body while massaged smoothly. give special attention in area dry skin and hard like to budge, knee and heel. clean leavings scrub before submerged or pour
written in well-being article, tips alive seha

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