Saturday, September 27, 2008

tip healthy fasting

tip healthy fasting

1. Do not Leave SahurSahur is one of a series of prayer and fasting in Ramadan, which is recommended, in a Harest mentioned that "The Messenger of Allah said:" Sahurlah you, because in it there do a great blessing. "Why do important for us that the fast run, the run the fast our bodies do not get the nutrition Feed for about 14 hours. For the body so that it can perform the function properly, cells need energy and nutrients in enough. To select the menu should do fibrous food and berprotein high, but avoid too many consume foods that sweet, sweet.

Many eat sweet foods do the will make you hungry faster in the afternoon. Sweet foods make the body react quickly release insulin, insulin function include sugar from the blood into cells and used as energy sources. While eating fibrous food to make the process slower digestion and help insulin issued gradually. To make energy do durable, bersahurlah more time near the end of imsak.

2. Do not Defer daily BerbukaSetelah keep hunger and thirst, of course we terkuras energy, to restore the energy back, when the breeder eat simple carbohydrates found in sweet foods. Foods that contain sugar to restore the instant energy that we terkuras day. But try to avoid drinking ice or bersoda that, because this type of beverage can not make digestive function as normal.

3. Eat In BertahapBiasanya hear so bedug west, without waiting longer we directly call out the meal provided over the table. This pattern is not good for health, the day after we filled the stomach and organs digested rest, you should not eat the meal directly in large numbers. When the time arrived breeder eat sweet foods, such as compote, or drinking hot tea, istirahatkan moment, you can use the gap to the west while praying to give time we adjust digested organs. Just after the prayer you can continue eating foods that go back more weight, such as rice and side dish-pauknya. And after the Tarawih resumes session with a small meal or snack.

4. Do not Leave OlahragaMenjalankan fasting means not stop the total sport. Thus physical activity still needed to maintain the smooth circulation of blood that is not easy loyo. However, to select the affairs of this sport that do not require light energy excess, such as shin-shin or foot. Should do the time before the sport breeder. Tarawih prayer, other than as a means of maintaining fitness
physical as tarawih prayer in the same burn calories.

5. Self-consumption is AirAir substances that the body is needed. More than 60% of our body consists of water. To function well with each organ of our body needs water. Without adequate water body will experience interference. For the perbanyak drinking water for savings in the body so that all organs function properly. Called the water here is not only water, milk and tea, but also included in it. So that the body needs tercukupi, Arrange for you to drink eight glasses of water before the fast tomorrow.

6. Control EmosiRasulallah said that fasting is not only the arrest of hunger and thirst but also keep appetite. In other words, the purpose of fasting is a me-manage emotions, learning patience and try to build God. In this psychological affect our mental, spiritual, emotional mengendalian to make our lives
grow more healthy, and a sense of closeness with God to make our hearts peace.


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